The Fiber That Holds Us Together: Why Fiber is Important

Get more fiber. Eat more fiber. We hear these commands often, but we might not be aware of the fascinating story of fiber, what it does, why we need it, and why a supplement like Fibra Kania has several benefits. So we all know that fiber has to do with digestion, so let’s take a look at how it works.

Some Background on Fiber
Unlike proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, which your body breaks down and absorbs, you do not break down or absorb fiber. Fiber, or what is also known as roughage is indigestible material in plants and foods that aids the passage of food and waste through the gut. It travels through our digestive system, absorbing water and assisting with the breakdown of food. Sometimes people don’t get enough fiber in their diet and this can cause digestion issues. There can also be other reasons for constipation, bloating, or discomfort that a fiber supplement can be beneficial in.

Most people don’t reach the recommended daily amount of fiber. Fiber is typically split into two types: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber dissolves in water. As the soluble fiber dissolves it improves digestion by helping your body improve blood glucose control and cholesterol levels in your blood. Insoluble fiber attracts water into your stool, which makes it easier to pass through, easing the strain on the bowels. For people that struggle with constipation or digestion problems, this type can be particularly beneficial in aiding with those problems.

Benefits of Adding a Fiber Supplement to Your Diet
According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases 42 million Americans say they suffer from constipation. There are several benefits to adding a daily intake of fiber supplement to your diet and regulating bowel movements is probably one of the biggest. This is especially true if your diet is not providing you with the recommended dose of fiber or if you are struggling with digestion because of medications or other issues.

Some of the main benefits of taking fiber along with a healthy diet include:

Normalizing bowel movements and functions
Helps prevent constipation
Aid in weight loss
Can help supplement a healthy diet for recommended fiber intake
Use Reputable Products from Arsa Distributing
Fibra Kania is a well-established fiber supplement from Mexico. The product is a natural blend of fibers from the fields of Jalisco, Mexico. It contains Wheat Bran, Cactus Root, and Fenugreek seed powder to make a strong and effective fiber without causing bloating or discomfort. Today, you can get Pina Colada flavored powder as well.

Order Through a Trusted Product Distributor
If you’re looking to put this amazing product on your store shelves or buy it for yourself and your family, call Arsa Distributing today. We import high-quality Mexican products that improve people’s lives by promoting health and wellness through natural products.

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