The Power of Chamomile and Its Many Healing & Medicinal Properties

We’ve all heard the name before. We all associate it with positive health benefits, but we might not be aware of the myriad of healing powers contained within this humble little flower. The truth is that chamomile has been one of the most ancient medicinal herbs known to mankind. From the old world to the new, the plant has made its way into the top list of useful herbs. As part of our traditional Mexican products, Arsa Distributing carries chamomile Therbal Tea, so we thought we’d take a minute to pay tribute to this amazing plant.

Part of the Arsa Distributing mission is to carry products that can make a positive difference in the lives of people that use or consume them. This is why we believe strongly in the value of Therbal Tea and its many natural flavors.

What is Chamomile?

Chamomile is an aromatic European plant of the daisy family. It comes from the Asteraceae family of plants which includes sunflowers, Echinacea, and marigold. The plan contains many terpenoids and flavonoids that contribute to its medicinal properties.

The name comes from the Greek word “chamomaela” or “ground apple” to describe its apple-like scent and qualities. In Spanish, the word is “manzanilla” or little apple. The plant has been used in different ways including for medicinal purposes but also has been used in beer making.

What is it Good For?

This magical herb has many medicinal uses and can help with a variety of ailments. The plant has antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and is a mild astringent. Some of these include:

Sleep: the relaxing agents in chamomile tea help promote healthy sleep by relaxing the nervous system.

Anxiety & Stress: In the same way that it helps people sleep, chamomile helps calm the nerves and relax the system, which aids in the treatment of anxiety and/or nervousness. It can also alleviate stress symptoms.

Immunity: The plant is known to boost immunity and fight harmful bacteria.

Menstrual pain: Chamomile can also be used to soothe menstrual-related pain, as it relaxes the uterus and decreases the production of certain hormones that cause inflammation.

Skin: Drinking the tea or putting chamomile tea bags on your skin helps with dark spot, improving skin glow, and fight bacteria. If you suffer from acne, using chamomile on your face can also help reduce the inflammation and kill the harmful bacteria that might be causing the breakouts.

Reducing eye circles: Yes, the beauty benefits continue! In addition to helping skin look and feel better, chamomile also helps reduce the puffiness from dark eye circles. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it helps decrease the appearance of under circles.

Reap the Benefits With Chamomile

As part of our extensive catalog of traditional Mexican products, is the beloved Therbal Chamomile Tea. Why not add all of these benefits to your daily routine by trying this delicious tea! If you are looking to stock your store shelves with quality products that make a difference in people’s lives, give us a call! Or if you’re looking for a way to reap some of these benefits, look for the teas in your local supermarket or grocery store shelves.


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